Lessons Learnt (hopefully)
Thursday I walked for an hour and a half and this morning I ran for an hour and a half with no problem. It seems to have healed. Tomorrow will try an easy 2 hours.… Lessons Learnt (hopefully)
Thursday I walked for an hour and a half and this morning I ran for an hour and a half with no problem. It seems to have healed. Tomorrow will try an easy 2 hours.… Lessons Learnt (hopefully)
Last Thursday about 3/4 of the way through the 2 hour run, I over taxed my right calf muscles and suffered some local damage as a result. At the time I was running relatively fast… Philosophy: Dealing With Injury And Attachment
It’s definitely on wheels at the moment. Every time I update the logbook it seems as if another week has gone. After a day off yesterday I ran quite hard tonight introducing a new running… Where Is Time Going?
Tonight again I left it till late before I made it out. I left about 7 and planned on a 2 hour session along the BBC. However I would be running back in the dark… Exploring Bristol
Bit sore this morning and didnt seem to get any better throughout the day, nevertheless I was determined to get into action mode again and crank out the miles so finally about 7:30 I squeezed… Monday, Monday
The Easter weekend has been accompanied by very pleasant weather in Bristol and my popular routes like the Downs and the Bristol Bath Cycleway are awash with people taking advantage of the weather and the… Bristol – Bath Cycleway
Today was a long run, after not so long on Sunday and yesterdays rest day. I have been wanting to head up towards the Severn Bridge for some time to see how long it would… On The Road Again
Didn’t get out till 2pm today (Sunday). Warm day and I decided to take Noivedya’s advice and just run as fast as I could for as long as I could. However the Cycle path was… Bristol – Warmley
I dedicated this evenings run to Nick Drake as the waxing moon proved a beautiful sight tonight. I ran up to the Downs and then across the Bristol Suspension Bridge and up into Ashton Court.… Pink Moon On The Downs
A friend lent me his Camelbak which I tried out last night. Went for a 2 hour run heading North out of Bristol for about an hour. Not used to wearing anything extra, I don’t… Taking The Camel For A Run