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Where Is Time Going?

It’s definitely on wheels at the moment. Every time I update the logbook it seems as if another week has gone. After a day off yesterday I ran quite hard tonight introducing a new running… Where Is Time Going?

Exploring Bristol

Tonight again I left it till late before I made it out. I left about 7 and planned on a 2 hour session along the BBC. However I would be running back in the dark… Exploring Bristol

Monday, Monday

Bit sore this morning and didnt seem to get any better throughout the day, nevertheless I was determined to get into action mode again and crank out the miles so finally about 7:30 I squeezed… Monday, Monday

On The Road Again

Today was a long run, after not so long on Sunday and yesterdays rest day. I have been wanting to head up towards the Severn Bridge for some time to see how long it would… On The Road Again

Bristol – Warmley

Didn’t get out till 2pm today (Sunday). Warm day and I decided to take Noivedya’s advice and just run as fast as I could for as long as I could. However the Cycle path was… Bristol – Warmley

Pink Moon On The Downs

I dedicated this evenings run to Nick Drake as the waxing moon proved a beautiful sight tonight. I ran up to the Downs and then across the Bristol Suspension Bridge and up into Ashton Court.… Pink Moon On The Downs