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Ashton Court

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Bristol is not a flat city. Built on the banks of the tidal river Avon, there have been people here since the Old Stone Age – some 60,000 years ago there were people living near… Ashton Court

Solstice Run 2009

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Disappointed at not being able to get to New York for the 3100 this year. That’s life I guess. Haven’t really done much running since October. There were the two mile races in Canada and… Solstice Run 2009

The New Year 2009

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Everything seems to move in cycles and with the end of the year I feel a new impulse to return to the roads and trails and begin the long journey that will end again in… The New Year 2009

Good Week

Thursday 22 February It’s been a pretty good week so far running 1½ tired hours every morning and the last two days run for over an hour each afternoon as well. Last Sunday ran to… Good Week

Good Mileage

It’s been a pretty good week so far running 1½ tired hours every morning and the last two days run for over an hour each afternoon as well. Last Sunday ran to Boquia  again only… Good Mileage


Ran well this morning for an hour and a half. Knees groaned a bit at one point, not really sure whats going on there. Walked for an hour this afternoon but held off on the… Stepwork

Two Sessions

An hour and a half in the warm morning at my ususal haunt was a happy occasion apart from some knee sensations. I think my weight is having an impact so I have to adjust… Two Sessions

Saddle Up

Back in the Saddle I left about 9 to jog around my local route but there was an event taking place with lots of people so I decided to run a loop up to the… Saddle Up

Journey to Salento

Sunday morning arrived bright and warm and David, riding his bike and I set off toward Salento, some 24km distant according to my official guide. Not speaking the language is a disadvantage when it comes… Journey to Salento