Ashton Court
Bristol is not a flat city. Built on the banks of the tidal river Avon, there have been people here since the Old Stone Age – some 60,000 years ago there were people living near… Ashton Court
Bristol is not a flat city. Built on the banks of the tidal river Avon, there have been people here since the Old Stone Age – some 60,000 years ago there were people living near… Ashton Court
Disappointed at not being able to get to New York for the 3100 this year. That’s life I guess. Haven’t really done much running since October. There were the two mile races in Canada and… Solstice Run 2009
Sparse field this morning but it was seriously cold.The route is a 1 mile out and back alongside the canal. Underfoot was snowy but not icy.
Everything seems to move in cycles and with the end of the year I feel a new impulse to return to the roads and trails and begin the long journey that will end again in… The New Year 2009
It’s been a pretty good week so far running 1½ tired hours every morning and the last two days run for over an hour each afternoon as well. Last Sunday ran to Boquia again only… Good Mileage
An hour and a half in the warm morning at my ususal haunt was a happy occasion apart from some knee sensations. I think my weight is having an impact so I have to adjust… Two Sessions
Sunday morning arrived bright and warm and David, riding his bike and I set off toward Salento, some 24km distant according to my official guide. Not speaking the language is a disadvantage when it comes… Journey to Salento