Taking The Camel For A Run
A friend lent me his Camelbak which I tried out last night. Went for a 2 hour run heading North out of Bristol for about an hour. Not used to wearing anything extra, I don’t… Taking The Camel For A Run
A friend lent me his Camelbak which I tried out last night. Went for a 2 hour run heading North out of Bristol for about an hour. Not used to wearing anything extra, I don’t… Taking The Camel For A Run
First post usually starts on a positive note and this is no exception. Sunday is traditionally long run day and for me the running week begins here as well. So today my two housemates and… Long Way Central
The last few weeks I have had the opportunity to get some long runs in and so I am inspired to keep track of the miles as a reference for post race analysis. The actual… The Long Runs
Due to server problems I had to stop using the blog and transfer posting to Multidayrunning.com. That blog is now discontinued and all activity takes place at Multidays.com. Whether or not I shall keep a… Self-Transcendencer 3100 Mile Race Posts 2007