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The New Year 2024

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A little bit of an update to the website in the New Year 2024 after years and years of neglect due to other projects. I’d like to do a lot more too this year, but other projects are still pretty demanding. There’s Ultrarunning World magazine, which is now up to issue 41.

In April we will be holding the third Bristol Running Show. This is such an exciting project I can’t really grasp the whole thing already. The show is free to Running Clubs/Groups and to visitors. We aim to have something of everything, or as close as is possible, to support a beginner interested in getting fit and or planning to start running. There’s so much happening in Bristol. We have started a Facebook Group, Bristol Running, to post news and updates about local events, projects and opportunities for the running community.

Checkout who’s coming and what the program features on the Bristol Running Show website. Amongst the guest speakers and experts are ultrarunners Nathan Flear, Anna-Marie Watson and Nikki Love confirmed

Free tickets are available on Eventbrite and Ticketsource.

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