First post usually starts on a positive note and this is no exception. Sunday is traditionally long run day and for me the running week begins here as well.
So today my two housemates and I set off together on our Sunday run along the Bath-Bristol Cycleway (BBC). At about the 20 mile mark I was alone again and had thought about a 2 hour out and 2 back route but I was still feeling good at the 2 hour point and so decided to go a little further and make it a 5 hour run. Just as I was approaching my turn around point I could hear people shouting above a bridge. I climbed up to see wat was happening and I realised it was the Bath half marathon. A couple of friends were running so I waited to see them pass before continuing on my journey.
On the way back just before Bitton I saw a guy walking along and dragging a carwheel tied behind himso I stopped and asked him what he was training for. He said he was planning a self-supported 600km ski-ing expedition across Greenland – a 25 day trek with a friend to raise funds for the Scouts who are celebrating their 100 year birthday this year.
Checkout Matt’s website